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Thursday 17 March 2016

Three legged race with Pastors of Loja

We had just had a downpour the night before and were on edge as to whether it was going to rain again, but in hope of clear weather, went on down to the park for a morning of some fun games and social time with church pastors and leaders we had invited.

We started with a human noughts and crosses game watching participants running across the park to secure their square, or not. We played volleyball, using water balloons and towels to catch them, and watching them burst to the ground when the towel wasn't in the right spot. The three legged race brought many to their knees. It was an opportunity to have some laughs and build on relationships with pastors.

Our team seeks to support the local evangelical church in lots of ways, whether through providing training opportunities or discipleship courses or christian resources or some prayerful encouragement along the way. One of the pastors said it was nice to be able to come and have fun participating, as they are usually the ones responsible for organising events.

Our team organising the morning even performed a drama item which we managed to pull off quite well, our audience including not only our group but also the people watching on from the block of flats across the road....

Perhaps this will help open a door in the future, or be something to laugh over in conversations or just be helpful in letting people know that we are here to be a support and help for the local church as they faithfully continue their task of bringing to gospel to many in this part of the world.

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