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Monday 7 March 2016

A river runs through it

Perhaps I was getting a little antsy, or desperate looking. In any case, John suggested he take the kids out for lunch on Saturday and that I go for a ride on the bike. That's love right there.

Off I set, along the river, heading north towards Sauces. The sun shining, the breeze blowing, rolling along down river, I started feeling less antsy and more alive.

I came to this part of the track and three things came to mind.
1. A hip hip hooray for the safety precaution!
2. A hope that no more of the mountain would decide to fall as I passed this section.
3. A gladness for rivers that run through this valley in the middle of the Andes making it possible for not every ride to be only a steep uphill.

A lovely way to spend my Saturday lunch time.

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