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Wednesday 9 March 2016

Happy International Women's Day!

Tuesday mornings I meet up with a friend to spend some time in God's word and talk about what is going on in life and we pray. I hesitate to say I disciple her, as normally we read the bible together and then she talks us through what she discovers, I feel like my presence kind of just opens a space for that to happen every week.

We are reading through the book of Romans together and yesterday read through the first eleven verses of chapter 5. It took a while to talk about all we saw in the passage, to let the big, amazing truths soak in - justified through faith, peace with God through Christ, access by faith into this grace in which we now stand, the hope of the glory of God, the effect of suffering leading to perseverance to character to hope which does not disappoint because we have love poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. God demonstrating his love for us in that Christ died for us while still sinners, the importance of Jesus' resurrection guaranteeing our hope of eternal life, reconciliation won for us through Christ.

Half-way through, my friend paused and looked up with a bit of a smile. She said, 'And I asked my husband what he was going to get me as a gift for women's day today, yet here it is, a feast in God's word, what could be better than that?'.

Indeed, what could be better than the Holy Spirit applying to our hearts the incredible truths of the gospel and the impact it has on our lives for now and eternity? And for me, the joy to be able to spend my Tuesday morning in this way was a perfect gift for International Women's Day.

Happy International Women's Day!

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